Lessons Learned Register

The ‘Lessons Learned Register’ facilitates you to store all lessons learned in an organisation wide register.

In order to navigate, click on the ‘Lessons Learned Register’ from the top navigation menu.

You will see all lessons learned in your organisation within the Lessons Learned Register irrespective of the view permission you have to the respective Lessons Learned object. 

The columns displayed in the register will be configured by your administrator via the Project Settings > Lessons Learned page.

Lessons are hyperlinked. Click on a lesson to navigate to the respective lessons learned object. 

You can export the Lessons Learned Register to Excel by clicking on the "Export" icon available on the top toolbar.

Grouping lessons learned by a certain field

You can group lessons learned by certain fields similar to the Project Register by following the steps below;

STEP 1: Drag and drop the field which you wish to group the lessons learned on to the dark blue coloured area highlighted below;

For example, let us assume that we will be grouping lessons learned by their category. Once you drag and drop the Category column header on to the dark blue coloured area, the lessons learned will be grouped by their category.

Further, you can group lessons by a field in ascending order or descending order by clicking on the column header.

Filtering Lessons Learned

You can filter the lessons learned via the Filters area, shown in the image below:

The fields displayed in the Filters area will be configured by your administrator via the Project Settings > Lessons Learned page.