The View Assessments page displays all the assessments that the current user is associated with (i.e. user is the creator or assessor or assessee).

To access the assessments, click ‘View Assessments’ from the mega menu on the top. Here, only the assessments relating to the current system period are displayed by default.

To access assessments created for other reporting periods, select the particular reporting year from the dropdown list on the top left.


Rollback Assessment

Click Rollback icon to rollback an assessment. This makes the particular assessment editable again at all stages. All data already entered within the assessment remains unchanged. However, note that rollback should only occur on very rare occasions.

The rollback option has a confirmation message as part of the process to ensure no rollbacks occur by mistake and to emphasize the need to ensure that the rollback is necessary.

Replicate Assessment

Generally, the employee assessment details do not need to change every period. Therefore, replication and rollover of assessments saves time.

The Replication button is available within the View Assessment page of every Assessment. Replicate button will allow the logged in user to replicate assessments that the user is Assessee and Reporting Officer for. Once the Replicate button is clicked, a popup window will appear requiring the following information in order to replicate the assessment successfully:

  • Select the reporting year to copy the selected assessments to the future period.
  • Select the period type.
  • Select the relevant reporting period. 
  • Select the reporting officer.
  • Select assessment endorsement stage. Here, three options will be available for the user to select. They are:
  • Assessee Endorse – The replicated assessment will go to the Assessee in the Setup phase for the selected year.
  • Reporting Officer Endorse – The replicated assessment will go to the Reporting Officer in endorse stage.
  • Endorsement complete – The replicated assessment will go to the Assessee to enter the self ratings for the assessment (the assessment will be in the self assessment phase).
  • Select elements to be replicated for the new system period. This will copy the existing items from the current assessment that exist in the reporting assessment period and include them in the new reporting assessment period. E.g. If you select Actions and replicate the assessment, this will copy existing actions from current assessment that exist in reporting assessment period and include new actions in next reporting assessment period
  • Select if you want the existing comments in the current assessment to be copied to the new assessment.
  • Select the assessment due date.


  • If the user has not set a due date or the due date is not within the reporting year, an error message will be displayed.
  • Replicate function allows users to replicate any assessment that is in the self-assessment, assessment and complete phase. Assessments in the setup will not have this functionality and therefore, replicate button will be disabled/ shaded grey for assessments in the setup phase.
  • Users can only create an assessment for a reporting year which has been mapped within Admin>Management> Reporting year mapping. Therefore, the reporting year dropdown will display only the reporting years which has been mapped already.
  • Users will only be able to replicate an assessment to a future year. Therefore, the Reporting year dropdown contains future years. For example, if the user is trying to replicate assessment created in 12/13 the Reporting year dropdown should show 13/14 and above.
  • Users will not be able to replicate an assessment when there is an assessment already existing for the selected year. The replicate button will be disabled and a tooltip would appear indicating “An assessment already exist for the selected period”
  • Replicate will not be possible, if the assessee of the assessment does not exist in the selected reporting period. For example, if Joe Smith is in the cammsstrategy staff list in 12/13, but, has been deleted in 13/14 period, you will not be able to replicate Joe Smith’s 12/13 assessment to 13/14. An error message should popup reading “User does not exist in the selected period”.