
Within each phase, there may be a number of Objects, which are the key steps involved in completing the phase. Each object within a workflow performs a unique function. Depending on your project role, you may be able to complete only one or more of the following activities within each object: (e.g. during each phase of the project)

  • Add information

  • Edit information

  • Delete information

  • Finish or Sign off a project phase.

Refer Project Positions for more information on security and Configuring Objects for details on object specific components and configurations.

The following rules are applied for the objects marked with an asterix (*) below:
In an instance where the particular object is attached to more than one phase:
  • Data entered in one phase will be copied to the proceeding phases upon phase sign off.
  • Data entered in the proceeding phases will not be copied to the previous phases.
  • When a phase is signed off, you will not be able to edit the objects within the signed off phase. However, IPM administrator and project manager will still have permission to edit even after the sign off (except task planning).
  • If sign off object is NOT included in a phase or when 'can proceed' check box is ticked, data entered in one phase will NOT be copied to the proceeding phase.



Project Details

Advanced Scope

Project Reference

Assess Project Results

Assessment Model

*Attach Document

Business Case

Custom Object

Evaluation Assessment

interplan Link

*Issue Register

KPI Progress


Lessons Learned

Objectives Assessment

*Preliminary Budget

Project Implementation Budget

Project Linkage

Project Outputs

Project List 

Risk Assessment

*Scope/Project Notes

*Stakeholder Analysis

*Task Planning

Final Approval

*Project Board and Team

Close Project
