If the selected project in Project Hub is a Parent Project AND the Project Reference Object is available in Project Workflow, the Child Project tab will be displayed in the Project Hub.

The information available in the grid will be displayed in read only mode.

You can navigate to a child project by clicking on its code.

You can view the progress comment entered against a relevant child project by clicking on the Comment icon available in the Progress Comment column.

If there are no Child Projects linked to selected Parent Project, ‘No Records to Display’ message will be shown within the project hub.

You can also create a new child project underneath selected parent project if you have permissions to do so, by clicking on the "Create New Child Project" button.

Once you click on the 'Create Child Project' button, a pop-up as shown in the image below will be displayed. You can enter a project name and a code, select a project type, and click on Proceed.

You can delete a child project by clicking on the Delete icon next to it. The Delete icon will only be shown if you have Delete permissions to the Reference object.

Refer next section on 'Parent Child Project Relationship Overview' for more information on child projects.