Assessment Templates

Assessment Templates enable the Administrator to create templates which can subsequently be utilised to create assessments for multiple users. These templates can be set to different phases in the assessment.

1. To create an assessment template, follow the steps below:

STEP 1 : Go to Administration > Management > Assessment Templates

STEP 2 : Scroll to the bottom, and enter the below described information into the fields located at the bottom of the Assessment Templates page




Template Name

A meaningful title for the template



A short description of the template



Specify the reporting period as follows:

  • Type: "System" or "Custom" (defaults to "System")
  • Year: depending on the selection for Type above, the relevant years are displayed. For example, if Type is set to "Custom", only the custom reporting periods are available for selection.
  • Period: depending on the two previous selections, the relevant Periods are displayed for selection


Due Date

Specify a due date for completing the assessment


STEP 3 : Click 'Add' to create a new assessment template



  • It is not required to setup the assessment elements at the time of creating the template as the templates can be configured as required by the assessee during the Setup Phase which are then endorsed by the Reporting Officer.
  • If the organisation is using cammsstrategy, then, Strategies, Actions and Measures can be automatically populated into the template. However, for auto populating to be successful, the Reporting Year Mapping must be must be completed first. 
  • The system allows creating a template without completing Reporting Year Mapping. However, it is not recommended because it may incorporate erroneous data in the assessment once a rollover is initiated.

Once a new template has been created or an existing one replicated, the template will be saved to the Assessment Templates page and ready to be applied to users.

When duties and competencies are linked through staff classification, when assigning templates, these will be auto-populated in assessments.

2. To assign assessment templates, follow the steps below:

STEP 1 : In the Assessment Templates page, click 'Apply' to open the template application view

From this page, the particular template can be assigned to multiple staff members.

Use the search option to narrow down the list of staff members that need to be assigned for the particular template. Click 'Search Criteria' arrow to expand the search option.

The system allows searching for assessees using the Business Unit, Reporting Officer,  Assessee name and Staff Classifications.

To filter out staff members who have the same Reporting Officer, select 'Reporting Officer' and type the name into the 'Staff' text box and click 'Search' and the system will return the corresponding results.

STEP 2: Assign a Reporting Officer for the template

STEP 3: Assign as many staff members as required for the template by ticking the check box alongside the Staff Name

STEP 4: Once the staff and the Reporting Officer are selected, click 'Create Assessments' to create a batch of assessment records

The system will generate notifications to the selected members of the staff, informing that they need to set up their assessment record. When the assessees log in to the system, they see that their assessment is ready for Setup within the 'My Assessments' section. The assessee can access and customise the assessment record as required and submit to the Reporting Officer for endorsement. 

Note: When Duties and Competencies are linked to Staff Classifications via Management>Duties/Competencies areas, they will be auto-populated in the assessments. This may depend on how you configure your cammstalent Settings.

3. To replicate/copy an existing assessment template, follow the steps below:

STEP 1:  In the Assessment Templates page, click the 'Copy' button of the assessment template you want to replicate

STEP 2: Once you reach the replicate assessment template page, provide a title for the copied template via the Name field. The rest of the fields are populated from the original record and can be modified as required

STEP 3: Click 'Replicate' to create the copy of the assessment template. Once the replication is completed the template can be applied to any of the staff members.