The trend arrows in the Risk Summary section of the Risk Heatmap derives on the following logic as depicted.


The displaying of the trend arrow is directly linked to the "From" and "To" date selection of the Show Risk Trend for,

Trend – The Rating value comparison will be made between the ‘immediate Residual Risk Rating Score before the ‘From’ Date and the ‘immediate Residual Risk Rating Score before the ‘To’ Date. 

The user will be able to select “To” and “From” dates by the ‘Show Risk trend for’ filter. 


The logic for the trend arrow is as below: 

(From Rating Score – Immediate Residual Risk Rating Score before the ‘From’ Date) 

(To Rating Score - Immediate Residual Risk Rating Score before the ‘To’ Date)

  1. If “From Rating score” < “To Rating score” = Upward arrow 
  2. If “From Rating score”  > “To Rating score” = Downward arrow 
  3. If “From Rating score” = “To Rating score”, Sideways arrow 
  4. If either “From Rating score” or “To Rating score” is not available, trend value cell will be blank. No trend arrow will be shown, as well.