How do I sign up to the Camms.Connect Developer Portal?
Step 01 : Go to the Camms.Connect available for your region. You can sign up either at our Live or Demo Developer Portals specific to your region. (Demo...
How can I subscribe to a Camms.Connect API Product?
Step 01 : Login to the Camms.Connect API Developer Portal and go to ‘Products’. Click on the product you want to subscribe to. NOTE: If you do not have ...
Do I need to subscribe to API products in Live and Test separately?
Yes, it is mandatory to subscribe to products of Live and Test environments separately.
What does Primary Subscription Key and Secondary Subscription Key mean?
The primary subscription key and the secondary subscription key serve a common purpose, which is to allow your organisation to access the APIs in a specific...
Can one subscription key be used for any product I have subscribed to?
No, it is necessary to get the subscription key for each product one by one. For example, if you have purchased Camms.Project and Camms.Risk, it is necessa...
If I am subscribed to a connector, am I automatically eligible to use other versions at no additional cost?
Yes. You are eligible to use all the versions of all the connectors available for the specific product you are subscribed to without additional costs.
How long is the Camms Token valid for?
The token that is generated by you or your organisation via the "Get Camms Token" API within each connector will only be valid for 24 hours.  ...
How can I to get a token that does not expire so I can use it in visualisation tools like Power BI?
Please send your request to .
How secure are API Connector requests?
All our API requests use secure HTTPS connections, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It is the protocol where encrypted HTTP data is tran...
Does the API support REST?
Yes, we support REST API's and our responses and requests are JSON based as well.