Once the meeting has concluded, the members and participants can view the draft meeting minutes, if published. Meeting minutes can be accessed in the following method:

  • Option 1: Click on the 'Meeting Minutes' tab in the left side quick links panel. A list of all meetings, which has been concluded would be displayed for selection. Then click on 'meeting title', to select the meeting to view minutes. This will direct the user to the Meeting Minutes workspace.

  • Option 2: Click on the 'home page' icon. This page will have the upcoming meetings bar on the left side and a calendar view of all meetings. The calendar view will show all meetings and can be viewed by Day, Week, Month and List view. The user can click on the meeting from the calendar view and a meeting summary will show on the left side panel, above Upcoming Meetings. Click on the 'Meeting Minutes' icon and the user will be directed to the meeting minutes. 
  • This method is only available for members and participants, for published draft meeting minutes. Once the meeting minutes are published, it is visible to all users, including public users (for public meetings only).

  • Click on Main Menu > Click on Meeting Centre > Click on search > Type Meeting Title > Click on Meeting Minute Icon

This method is only available for members and participants, for published draft meeting minutes. Once the meeting minutes are published, it is visible to all users.

Meeting Minutes Access

The below table shows the access privileges based on User types.

Primary OrganiserSecondary OrganiserMember/Participant Non-confidentialConfidential Assigned UserGlobal Confidential UsersMeeting ManagerOther Staff and Non-staffPublic UserSystem Admin
Published Draft Minutes - incl confidentialY


Published Draft Minutes - excluding confidentialY

Finalised Minutes - incl confidentialY


Finalised Minutes - excl confidentialY

Minutes workspace – Participant Member view 

  • When meeting minutes are published as a draft, the meeting minutes’ workspace will be available for all meeting participants and members.
  • Workspace would provide a complete preview of the meeting minutes to the participant. The user can use the TOC on the left hand side to navigate view the meeting minutes between groups and items Refer to the below figure for a snapshot of the minute workspace for a participant or member.


The Members/participants have a few functionalities they can perform. Those Action Icon functionalities are listed below:

Action Icon
Expand to full view
Preview Outputs
Download Outputs*
View Attendance
Send Minutes via Email
Sketch Pen

*The download outputs are the agenda report and the minutes’ report. 

Minutes Workspace – Organiser View 

After the meeting has been concluded, the meeting organiser can edit and finalise the meeting minutes. 

The organiser can perform some of the same functionalities as the join meeting stage. Those features are listed below:

  • Add Motions/Resolutions/Notes 
  • Add Attachments 
  • Add Action items 
  • Preview
  • Download Minute (if not finalised, only draft minutes will download)
  • Send Minute
  • Sketch tool

The organiser or the secondary organiser can perform the below listed functions, other than the above.

Action Icon
Publish draft Meetings
Finalise Meeting Minutes
Lock / Unlock

Publish Draft Minutes 

The Meeting minutes can be published as draft, for members and participants of the meeting. The confidential Items will be shown only to the assigned confidential users. 

Finalise Meeting Minutes 

The meeting minutes can be finalised once all changes have been completed. To finalise, click on the 'Finalise meeting minutes' icon. 

Once the minutes are finalised, the minutes are non – editable. Minutes with appendices would be generated and the organiser would be notified when it's complete. The user will be prompted by the message shown in igure135 below. Click ‘Ok’ to continue.

A summarised pop up appears detailing the action items created and the voting summary for all voting actions for each agenda item.