• This component will bring in a more advanced visualization to the existing Risk Components which enables the user to view a summary of Risk profiles of the immediate child levels of a hierarchy node.
  • Dashboard View of Risk Profile Summary Component will be as follows:

  • Users would be able see all Revised Risk Rating criteria summaries configured against each child level node within this component.
  • If the visibility toggle button is enabled, the selected ‘Linked Active Risks’ associated with the relevant hierarchy node will be displayed in the front-end of the Dashboard.
  • If an Administrator enables the visibility of all fields, the Risk Profile Summary Component will display the following information.
    • Hierarchy Node and No. of Risks
    • Effectiveness of Controls
    • Risk Action Performance
    • Risk Control Owner Ratings
    • Risk Rating Profile
    • Average Risk Rating
    • Highest Risk Rating

Hierarchy Node and No. of Risks

  • The column ‘Hierarchy Node’ will showcase the immediate child level hierarchy node name, wherein the ‘No. of Risks’ field would display the total number of active risks linked to each immediate child level hierarchy node.

Effectiveness of Controls

  • ‘Effectiveness of Controls’ would capture all the EC Ratings configured within Camms.Risk and the distribution of the EC ratings will be depicted in a bar chart.
  • The Y-axis of the chart would show the EC ratings, and the X-axis of the chart would show the Risk Count. The values would be shown in light blue colour portions.
  • The number of bars depicted within the front end will be equal to the number of EC ratings configured via Camms.Risk.

  • If the EC Rating name length exceeds the maximum word length, you can simply hover-over the name, to view the full-length text.

Risk Action Performance

  • The ‘Performance’ section captures all the Risk Action Performances linked to the Risks of the selected hierarchy node.
  • The distribution of the Action Performance will be depicted in a legend view. The legend colors will be captured from Camms.Risk.
  • The legends are color coded as per the relevant performance rating color names assigned to each rating option via Camms.Risk.

Risk Control Owner Ratings

  • ‘Control Owner Rating’ section would capture all the Risk Control Owner Ratings linked to the Risks of the selected hierarchy node.
  • The distribution of the Control Owner Ratings will be depicted in a legend view. The legend colours will be captured from Camms.Risk.
  • The charts are colour coded as per the control owner rating name and relevant colour assigned to each rating via the Camms.Risk.

Risk Rating Profile

  • The ‘Rating Profile’ section showcases the Revised Risk Rating of the linked risks.
  • The distribution of the Rating Profiles will be depicted in a single row bar chart and the distribution of the Risk Rating portions will be based on the Risk Rating counts. Additionally, a legend will be shown below the Risk Profile rating component for a better user experience.
  • The chart will always show the Risk Ratings, starting from the highest to lowest in a descending order against the Revised Risk Assessment Rating.
  • The Risk Rating portion lengths of the chart will be adjusted based on the Risk count associated with each Risk Rating.

Average Risk Rating

  • The ‘Average Risk Rating’ section will showcase the average Risk Rating value based on the Risk Rating of all linked Risks of a particular hierarchy node, divided by the number of Risks. The Risk Rating score of each linked Risk will be captured from Camms.Risk.
  • Average Risk Rating = Risk Rating of all linked risks / No. of Linked Risk (count)
  • The Risk Rating ranges and labels will be shown on a ruler, wherein the average Risk Rating value will be shown in a rectangular shaped slider.
  • The Risk Rating ruler values are adhered to the highest rating value from the Risk Rating ranges via Camms.Risk. The ruler values will be evenly distributed, based on the number of Risks ratings available.
  • Hovering over the slide ruler would showcase the actual value.

Highest Risk Rating

  • The ‘Highest Risk Rating’ section will showcase the highest Risk Rating value from all risks captured against the hierarchy node. The Risk Rating score of each linked risk will be captured from Camms.Risk.
  • The Risk Rating ranges and labels will be shown on a ruler, wherein the highest Risk Rating value will be shown in a rectangular shaped slider.
  • The Risk Rating ruler values are adhered to the highest rating value from the Risk Rating ranges via Camms.Risk. The ruler values will be evenly distributed, based on the number of risk ratings available.
  • Hovering over the slide ruler would showcase the actual value. 

Configuration of Risk Profile Summary Component

  • Once you drag and drop the component to page design area, click on the edit icon as depicted within the figure shown below.
  1. Title – You can add a title to the component.
  2. Description –  A description for the component can be added.
    • Both the 'Title' and the 'Description' will be displayed above the component.
      Note: You can click ‘Save’ button to save the changes.
      1. Search Bar –  You can search for a Hierarchy Node by entering the relevant text on the search bar placed above the Hierarchy Node list.
      2. Hierarchy Node List
        • All immediate child level hierarchy nodes which are linked to the hierarchy node where the component is placed will be listed in the Hierarchy Node Configuration grid.
        • You can click on the edit icon placed at the right corner to edit the details of each child level hierarchy node.
          1. Visibility – You have to enable visibility toggle button to show the Risks linked to the Node on the Dashboard. The toggle button will be disabled by default. 
          2. Hierarchy Node – refers to the Hierarchy Node title. You can change the name through the admin panel as per your preference.

  • The fields to be shown on the front-end view of the ‘Risk Profile Summary' component can be configured by clicking on the configure icon.
    1. Field Name - refers to the field name(s) in Camms.Risk.
    2. Label Name – refers to the field name that is displayed on the front-end of the Dashboard. You can edit this as per your choice.
    3. Visibility – enable the visibility toggle button to make the fields visible on the Dashboard. The toggle button will be enabled by default.

Note: You can click ‘Save’ button to save the changes.

Additional Notes:

  • The Risk Profile Summary component is compatible with all three hierarchy types.
  • The number of Risk Owner Ratings and Risk Action Performance counts shown for each hierarchy node will differ from each other, based on the number of control owner ratings and number of Risk Actions linked to each Risk.
  • If there are NO linked Risks configured against a hierarchy node, the entire section would be hidden from the front end of the Dashboard.
  • If the Control Owner rating colours are not configured via Camms.Risk, then all rating colours will be illustrated in grey colour legends.